JSPS・二国間交流事業(セミナー)で、3月3日〜8日の5日間、平井(下段・右から3人目)と清瀬くん(上段・左から4人目)がエジプト・アレキサンドリアにあるE-JUST(エジプト日本科学技術大学:LINK)を訪問しました。滞在中は、MEMS微細加工技術の基礎講義、クリーンルームでの微細加工技術のハンズオン、また最新の研究成果の紹介や産学連携に関わる議論を中心としたワークショップ(The 1st Egypt-Japan Workshop on Micro Electromechanical Systems – MEMS Practical Education)に参加しました。
Speaker: Yoshikazu HIRAI
Title: Improving Microfabrication through Simulation-Aided Maskless Grayscale Lithography: Towards advanced 3D structures and biomedical applications
Abstract: Grayscale lithography has emerged as a technique for fabricating three-dimensional (3D) structures at the micro- and nanoscale, offering a path to advanced device manufacturing. The advantage of maskless grayscale lithography, using either laser technology or digital micromirror devices (DMDs), is significant process flexibility and reduced production costs. However, widespread adoption of this method faces hurdles, primarily due to the complexity of optimizing process parameters, which is critical to increasing the technology’s applicability in micro- and nanofabrication. This presentation describes a novel approach to DMD-based grayscale lithography by integrating 3D photolithography simulations coupled with sensitivity analysis. This innovative method not only automates the optimization process, but also significantly improves pattern quality, addressing one of the key challenges in the field. Furthermore, the application of this optimized technology in the development of Body-on-a-Chip (BoC) systems underscores its potential to revolutionize biomedical research. The presentation will show the successful implementation of this technology in the fabrication of integrated heart-liver and gut-liver chips. These models serve as platforms for the simulation of complex human physiological responses, including the replication of drug-induced side effects and cardiotoxicity, as well as the modeling of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).